Need to Know’s

I love Jesus

I have the most beautiful wife in the world… and love her more than anything in the world and I try to make it a priority that she knows that everyday.

My favorite T.V. Shows are Bones, House, The Big Bang Theory and How I Met Your Mother and own multiple seasons of these.

Favorite bands are: MercyMe, Christ Tomlin, Tenth Avenue North, Dave Matthews Band, O.A.R., Hillsong

I would eat a Steak Burrito Bowl from Chipotle everyday if I could

Love Music… Love it more when it honors God… Love it even more when I can play it an honor God.

Love being a Student Pastor.  I would not want to do anything else in the world.  (I can’t believe I get paid for this!)

I am a Jeep guy… I own Jeep… a sweet Green one that can run over things and not brake (Yet)

I have a secret crush on the band MercyMe.  I love the music they play and I want to play Imagine with them on stage some day

I hate heights… alot… I just discovered this fear within the past couple years…

I want a dog… a big one (Because I am a big guy)

I want to go to the moon someday

Sometimes I feel like I am on the moon

I have gone snowboarding once and ended up unstrapping board and riding it down the mountain like a sled.

I love to laugh

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