
I was born into a great Christian home with parents who buried me with their love.   Moved to Chicago  from Texas when I was 7 and stayed put through High School.  Going through my Church’s Youth Group, during High School, I had four different Youth Pastor’s.  I saw how important it was for students to have relationships in their lives; Relationships that were not shallow or lacking in accountability but were challenging and deep.  This is partly the reason I pursued Student Ministry as my “Vocation”.  (I put Vocation in quotes because I can’t call it a job really cause I love doing it!)

After High School I headed up into the Northern Woods of Wisconsin to attend Nicolet Bible Institute which just so happened to be the school at the Christian Camp I grew up at, Silver Birch Ranch.  Stretching my faith and taking me out of my comfort bubble, I explored God and the call that he had on my life.

I had a relationship with Jesus Christ more so there then I ever had in the Northwest corner of Chicago.  I can remember coming to a place in my life, up in the woods, where I hit a wall.  One night I can remember sitting upside down (Yes upside down) in a chair emotional because I was so uncomfortable there.  All along I realize now God was smacking me in the face hinting to me I need to rely on his strength and not my own.  Ironically after that year, I would go back three more times to work during the summer.

After graduating Nicolet with the equivalent of an associates in Bible, I went on to Cornerstone University studying Youth Ministry and Bible.  I was at CU for three Years, every year going through some sort of roller coaster once again showing me that God is my cornerstone, and that I could not build without him.  College was great!  I studied, studied, ate horrible food, studied, took tests, met my beautiful wife there and made some great friends (whom I didn’t think were great friends until I was without them).  In all seriousness I loved college.  For nothing else, the social aspect and what you learn about people makes it all worth it, especially what you learn about yourself.  One bit of advice to everyone who reads this, if you go to college, live on campus in a dorm.

Laura and I got married June 19th of 2009.  We experienced some huge life changing things very quickly!  Graduating from college in May, married in June, moving to Ohio in July and starting a new ministry.  It was like I had never experienced life before up until those three months.  I felt more emotion between May 1st and July 1st than I had for a long time.  I moved to Ohio with my best friend and jumped right into our new Church home experiencing ministry without even taking a breath.

Right now, Laura and I have been at our new Church Home since May of 2009.  It has been a tiring and exhaustive time but we love being here working with the people and especially our awesome students.  I love being a pastor.  I wouldn’t want to be doing anything else at this point in my Journey.  A fellow Pastor once told me that being a Pastor means sticking with your people through life for the long haul.  Wouldn’t that be a great philosophy for every pastor?  When it comes down to it I am a cracked pot who loves being used by God.  I thank him for how he has brought me through my journey thus far and for his hand to guide Laura and I in the future.

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