Reach Out… Hang Out…

I love the Ministry that God has called me to work with…


Each Wednesday and Thursday I get to hang out with some of the coolest students in the area AND minister to them at the same time.  Whether it be teaching them what God’s word says, Leading them in Worship, Discipling them, eating Lunch with them and going to the movies or playing Air Hockey… It all is a blast.

So often Churches will get this mindset that we need to beat these kids over their heads with the biggest KJV Bible we can find and until they are on their knees before God (Whether this is out of Pain from the beating or they do it on their own…) we keep doing this until they break down.

“Wow… That sounds like fun!” (Complete Side Note I think this is why Leaders like Dodgeball so much)

This is a vital and important part of Student Ministry.  I found myself declaring the other day to the Students that the “Leaders do this (Be a Leader) to point them to Jesus so that they will have a relationship with God”.  However, is it THE MOST important part?  Is their something else that works better?  More efficient?  Less painful?

Obviously Yes.  What is it?

Well I am a firm believer in RELATIONAL Student Ministry.

What does that mean?

It is exactly what it sounds like.  I love when Jesus would walk on his journeys and experience life with an individual.  One person.  Jesus would seem as though, for a moment, Ministering to this ONE person was the most important thing in that moment.  He didn’t care how much they read their bible, if they lift their hands during worship, how long they pray… etc.  He cared for that person, right then and there.  Didn’t ask them 101 questions but he was REAL with them.  Close.

He would bring them to a righteous place between them and God not be beating them over the head with the Bible but with Love.  Understanding.  Listening.  Being there for THAT person.

Did you ever think that, although Jesus quoted scripture, he never really had that leather-bound, silver leafed NIV there to vomit out Scripture to these people.

Don’t get me wrong.  I love the Bible.  Its God’s word direct from his mouth.

But do Students these days need you to vomit out scripture?  Then for some miraculous intervention they understand and believe everything you say from that Book?

Or do they need something else?

I love when Jesus was anointed by the woman.  He simply said “Go your sins are forgiven”

He did not vomit Scripture.  He listened and loved.  If we listen and love will God use that to glorify him and bring these Students to Jesus.  YES.

Up above I mentioned doing things like; Eating Lunch with them, going to the movies and playing air hockey.

Go ahead scroll up to the top to make sure.

I find it that these three things, or things like these, need to take place before the student will even really listen to the words I say.  One time in particular I spent some time with a Student playing Video Games at his house.  Now, did I have other things to do?  Well yea.  Did I care about bringing this Student to a place where he was right with God?  For sure.  Did I take time to just sit, play and hangout?  You better believe it.  Its been months since that time with this Student.  Have I beat him over the head with the bible yet?  No.  Do I ask him what video games he is playing?  Yup.

Who is getting nervous I am starting to heathen-ize?

Don’t worry.

My point is this.  If you are starting Student Ministry or starting at a new Church.  Don’t jump in right away and start preaching repentance or they will burn.


Get to know the Students.  Do the things they do (some of them).  Spend time with them.

If you are working with Students, they will not listen to you until THEY know that you can be trusted and that you ACTUALLY care.  If they don’t have a “buddy” relationship with you they wont entertain anything you say, even if it is 100% biblical truth.  Dont be afraid of taking off your preacher hat and putting on your “Cool Adult” hat for a little bit.  In the end you will be amazed with how THAT will impact the Students lives.

Now excuse me… I need to get back to playing Madden 11′ with Mike.

~ by bradgust on October 27, 2010.

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