Prepare… or repair…

You know, one thing that I have noticed since beginning my journey with Student Ministry is how important it is to prepare.  Prepare for your night of ministry, a mission trip, a special event, a lunch meeting or whatever else may be thrown at you…

Something thrown at you you should duck… others… catch.

I have found myself, at times, worrying about way to much other STUFF on the days that I have Junior or Senior high ministry nights.  Since I spend most of the day or days leading up worrying about other STUFF, the important STUFF that I need to get done in order to adequately minister to the Students God has given me, I feel rushed, unprepared or even down right inadequate to handle the Ministry of that night.  It always seems to ruin my attitude for the night.  I see an amazing difference between the days I am prepared and not.

You see, the bad thing about not being prepared is that you stress out, at least I do, and the night never really runs smoothly.  You always seem to have your mind wandering somewhere else like, “did I get that done?”.  This, in conclusion, takes away from your time to minister to your students on a deep level.  This is at least how I am.  typically I am prepared and ready to go but there are days when I run late, not prepared or there are a thousand other distractions tripping me up.  I hate those days…


Instead of not being prepared and then having to repair the damage you did, next time, prepare.  In my opinion you can never be too prepared.  Obviously there needs to be room for the Spirit to work, but make sure you don’t use that as an excuse for not preparing a head of time.  Be prepared…

Now excuse me I need to prepare…

~ by bradgust on February 22, 2011.

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